
Our office is occupied since its establishment in the year 1998 in Wiesbaden / Germany with the complexities of planning and technological connections/ interdependences in the area of lasting building with special attention on environmentally conscious planning by means of application and development and/or - heat recovery systems; it offers here its services within the ranges from new to restoration of inventory buildings for various carriers from the private, commercial and public sector.

Our professional philosophy consists in the perpetual exercise of the promotion of synergies by interdisciplinary supervision with the objective to make holistic project engineerings possible both in the constructional and in the configuration-technical range including renewable energy engineerings.

We connect the most diverse ranges approximately around the real estate and are able to arrange depending upon accessibility and range of a building project an individual service catalogue.

In this context our activity takes a crucial role as a nationally recognized energy consultant in accordance with BAFA and KfW guidelines within our planning methodology.

By devellopping a clear and logical conception in the preliminary planning phase regarding the constructional efficiency and economy of a construction measure substantial cost-use optimizations can be achieved for all parties; this leads to a founded planning, a cost-conscious execution and a lasting use of a real estate.

Apart from the investigation of facet-rich financing and promotion possibilities our offer spectrum contains likewise the balance of the energetic saving potentials of individual measures in relation to the economic use.